Tuesday, June 3, 2008

From back when 'Saturday Night Live' was funny

"I keek a touchdown." -- the title of the autobiography of former Dolphins kicker Garo Yepremian.

So, NFL Network is running new episodes of the fine series, NFL's Top 10, which has "Greatest Pro Bowls of all time, and other stuff" thinking ... what would be a great top 10 list for kickers?

Let "Greatest Pro Bowls of all time, and other stuff" know what you think by throwing down in the comments area. We'll have a real nice discussion here.


Rhino said...

How about a list of the top 10 kickers who kicked barefoot?

Rhino said...

That's a good one, Rhino! I got another one ... top 10 greatest kickers with foreign-sounding names?

This list could include such notables as Ali Haji-Sheikh, Donald Igwebuike, Uwe von Schamann, Joaquin Zendejas, Luis Zendejas, Max Zendejas, Tony Zendejas and Steve Christie.

Rhino said...

This is a good discussion we got going on here! Let's keep the good times going! :-)