Friday, March 7, 2008

America needs you

"When I die I want to decompose in a barrel of porter and have it served in all the pubs in Ireland." -- some fella named J.P. Dunleavy

We interrupt 24-hour coverage of the legendary Brett Favre's untimely and unfortunate retirement to bring you a very important public service announcement.

Guinness is attempting to make St. Patrick's Day a national holiday here in the U.S. of A.

Yes, the sort of national holiday that could secure you a day off for this day-long drinking binge.

This is the sort of public initiative we can all can agree on, get behind, rally support for, get approved, then celebrate at the local pub with a beautiful pint of a certain dry stout with a thick, creamy head brewed at St. James's Gate Brewery in a little happy place known as Dublin, Ireland.

At time of publication, the brewers of Guinness had secured 132,727 of the one million signatures it needs by March 16 to formally present a petition to Congress to get this thing done.

Yes, Guinness needs your help. St. Patrick needs your help. Little leprechauns need your help. Your favorite local watering hole needs your help. Go here to join the cause. It's for the good of America.

Some little-known fun facts about St. Patrick's Day ...

  • St. Patrick's Day is celebrated worldwide by Irish people, and increasingly by non-Irish people.

  • Americans like to celebrate the holiday by wearing green clothing.

  • Alcohol is the center of many St. Patrick's Day celebrations.

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